Posts Tagged updates
Forever Updating
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Actual Events, Geekiness on May 10, 2008
I find little time these days and I noticed with some annoyance that I was behind with my WordPress updates. I run a number of sites (13 WordPress sites alone) and updating from 2.5 -> 2.5.1 is sort of painful and tedious.
So I made a script (most of the domain names are removed but you could add to the list):
sites=( base_path="/var/www/vhosts" wordpress_download_url="" wordpress_download_file="latest.tar.gz" wordpress_download_directory="wordpress" wordpress_database_update_url="wp-admin/upgrade.php?step=1&backto=%2Fwp-admin%2F" jailed_directory="httpdocs" temp_directory="wp-temp" number_of_sites=${#sites[@]} echo "Updating $number_of_sites websites with the latest version of Wordpress." for current_site in ${sites[@]} do echo "Now processing $current_site..." echo " Setting up directories..." if [ -e $base_path/$current_site/$jailed_directory ] then echo " !!Detected a jail'ed website..." mkdir -p $base_path/$current_site/$jailed_directory/$temp_directory cd $base_path/$current_site/$jailed_directory/$temp_directory else mkdir -p $base_path/$current_site/$temp_directory cd $base_path/$current_site/$temp_directory fi echo " Downloading latest version of Wordpress..." wget -q $wordpress_download_url echo " Uncompressing..." tar zxfv $wordpress_download_file > /dev/null cd $wordpress_download_directory echo " Copying into existing directory..." cp -r * ../.. cd ../.. echo " Updating database..." wget -q "http://$current_site/$wordpress_database_update_url" -O /dev/null echo " Cleaning up..." rm -rf $temp_directory echo "Done processing $current_site." echo "" done |
Now it takes about 15 seconds to update everyone’s site and it even performs the “Database Upgrade” step (at least for now).
Automation is a good thing. Speaking of which, I’m interested in Capistrano but I still haven’t really done anything with it. It looks like fun… I’ll have to add a post if I have any luck experimenting with it.