Archive for category Somewhat Random
If only I had time!
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Geekiness, Somewhat Random on February 13, 2008
An Essay on essaying
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Actual Events, Ranting & Ravings, Somewhat Random on January 30, 2008
There’s always so much to do. Every task that is completed falls into the category of “repeating event” that will simply have to be performed again as entropy sets in (cleaning, cooking, personal hygiene — such as it is, etc.) or “nice try” which was simply an imperfect and increasingly simplistic appearing attempt at a solution. To some extent you’re stuck with the repeating events and must simply hurry and do them well enough to at least stay in place like the Red Queen in Alice Through the Looking Glass. For everything else, there’s a sense of struggle to churn out something that’s really superior. You want the best and you constantly strive for it. But you make imperfect relationships, imperfect software applications, imperfect decisions. As time goes by you can review (if you’re depressed) the imperfections that trail behind you. The farther away ones are usually laughable, considering that at one time that was your best shot. The closer ones still seem reasonable but somewhat lacking. But of course as time goes by and they recede into the past as well you’ll start to chuckle at them too.
So are things really getting better? Is the stress of “getting better” actually creating better results? The problem seems to be that the perception of your abilities on a continuum slides backwards at the same rate at which progress occurs. The more you learn and grow and “better yourself” the more you realize that you had previously overrated your knowledge, experience, and skills.
I don’t think this means that we shouldn’t try. But we should try to keep in mind that perfection is unattainable (here on Terra Firma at least) and if we’re humbled by looking at our mistakes from 1 or 5 or 10 years ago, then consider that 1 or 5 or 10 years from now we’ll likely be just as humbled looking back to what we’re doing or thinking or speaking (or writing in a blog) right now.
I know this isn’t much of an “essay” but it made for a cutesy title. I’m sure I’ll think better of the idea later.
Indwelling Grace
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Actual Events, Somewhat Random on January 12, 2008
Jonathan Edward (the famous preacher) had a sister that was apparently quite a difficult woman. A potential suitor came calling one day and had apparently not heard of her nature. Edward’s father attempted to talk him out of the idea. The suitor replied that he thought that she had received the grace of God so what difficulty would there be? The father’s reply:
“The grace of God will dwell where you or I cannot!”
I picked this up from Rev. Rayburn’s sermon on January 6, 2008. It’s not in print yet but should be available on before too long.
Solution to our economic woes?
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Actual Events, Somewhat Random on January 11, 2008
I’m very confused over economist’s handling of our current situation. On the one hand we have inflation and on the other we’re struggling with economic growth.
In order to avoid a recession (negative economic growth) the Fed is considering cutting interest rates now while Bush is planning an “economic stimulus plan”. So… cut rates which will cause more inflation and then print more money which will definitely cause more inflation. The end result seems like it will be out-of-control inflation regardless of real economic growth.
We have all the signs of “stagflation” seen in the 1970’s but this time instead of going through a “disinflationary” period, we’re planning to attempt to not worry about inflation and just worry about growth. But the problem is that while a “disinflationary” period would have certainly hurt and people would have lose their jobs, what we’re doing instead offers no long-term solace — at least none that I can see. Tackling inflation first would give us a solid base on which we could kickstart the economy (if we should kickstart it at all). I guess my rather un-academic feeling is that economic growth is good and necessary for the future but that inflation affects our already saved-up capital. If that’s the case it seems to make sense to control inflation before we worry about ever-increasing economic growth.
Please add your comments — I’m not much of an economist so I’m likely off the mark.
Funny things in Gentoo
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Geekiness, Somewhat Random on November 29, 2007
In Gentoo, “emerge” is the package manager (the tool used to install new applications and software on the system). You can type “emerge mozilla-firefox” to install the most recent Firefox release or “emerge ruby” to install the Ruby programming language.
Here’s a slightly unexpected result…Diane will like this… 🙂
Okay, so it doesn’t do anything, but it’s kind of funny.
A-sitting On a Gate
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Somewhat Random on November 17, 2007
- I’ll tell thee everything I can:
- There’s little to relate.
- I saw an aged aged man,
- A-sitting on a gate.
- “Who are you, aged man?” I said,
- “And how is it you live?”
- And his answer trickled through my head,
- Like water through a sieve.
- He said “I look for butterflies
- That sleep among the wheat:
- I make them into mutton-pies,
- And sell them in the street.
- I sell them unto men,” he said,
- “Who sail on stormy seas;
- And that’s the way I get my bread —
- A trifle, if you please.”
- But I was thinking of a plan
- To dye one’s whiskers green,
- And always use so large a fan
- That they could not be seen.
- So, having no reply to give
- To what the old man said,
- I cried “Come, tell me how you live!”
- And thumped him on the head.
- His accents mild took up the tale:
- He said “I go my ways,
- And when I find a mountain-rill,
- I set it in a blaze;
- And thence they make a stuff they call
- Rowlands’ Macassar-Oil —
- Yet twopence-halfpenny is all
- They give me for my toil.”
- But I was thinking of a way
- To feed oneself on batter,
- And so go on from day to day
- Getting a little fatter.
- I shook him well from side to side,
- Until his face was blue:
- “Come, tell me how you live,” I cried,
- “And what it is you do!”
- He said “I hunt for haddocks” eyes
- Among the heather bright,
- And work them into waistcoat-buttons
- In the silent night.
- And these I do not sell for gold
- Or coin of silvery shine,
- But for a copper halfpenny,
- And that will purchase nine.
- “I sometimes dig for buttered rolls,
- Or set limed twigs for crabs:
- I sometimes search the grassy knolls
- For wheels of Hansom-cabs.
- And that’s the way” (he gave a wink)
- “By which I get my wealth–
- And very gladly will I drink
- Your Honour’s noble health.”
- I heard him then, for I had just
- Completed my design
- To keep the Menai bridge from rust
- By boiling it in wine.
- I thanked him much for telling me
- The way he got his wealth,
- But chiefly for his wish that he
- Might drink my noble health.
- And now, if e’er by chance I put
- My fingers into glue,
- Or madly squeeze a right-hand foot
- Into a left-hand shoe,
- Or if I drop upon my toe
- A very heavy weight,
- I weep, for it reminds me so
- Of that old man I used to know–
- Whose look was mild, whose speech was slow
- Whose hair was whiter than the snow,
- Whose face was very like a crow,
- With eyes, like cinders, all aglow,
- Who seemed distracted with his woe,
- Who rocked his body to and fro,
- And muttered mumblingly and low,
- As if his mouth were full of dough,
- Who snorted like a buffalo–
- That summer evening long ago,
- A-sitting on a gate.
- –Lewis Carroll
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Actual Events, Ranting & Ravings, Somewhat Random on November 12, 2007
With three boys now, I’m seeing a fair amount of filth around us. If it’s not an excreted material, it’s a pulverized food product, or some sticky conglomerated mass composed of items A and/or B combined with other household objects. It’s not pleasant.
Today my oldest got into the spackle and dutifully applied it to not only to the walls, but also his younger brother. At least it doesn’t smell bad…
…But now the serious point: We have this massive amount of cleaning tools, equipment and supplies that we use on a daily basis to scrub ourselves, our children, our tables, floors, cars, etc. It’s sort of amazing how much effort we put into it. I think the wife and I are a little on the freakish side of obsessive compulsive cleaning but still, I would bet that most people spend an enormous part of their life cleaning. I think about people in the past… I have a strangely realistic-feeling episode in my head of “neolithic” people huddled in a cave with their bear pelt (carefully skinned and washed to remove the stench). And oddly I can picture that although we would consider them filthy, I bet they spent a LOT of their time cleaning things.
…But now to the REAL serious point: I don’t think we consider very much how incredibly revealing this is about us as Christians. An ordinary Christian hates sin just like your plain vanilla human (yum!) hates filth. It’s internal filth and it’s really pretty nauseating. But for my own part, I know I spend hardly any time at all cleaning out the internal filth with some spiritual Windex topped off with some heavenly PineSol. Why not? We’re so focused on the trivial filth of this world. Sometimes we complain about the bad smell of sin in our lives but we don’t spend enough time taking a shower in God’s grace.
We know we’ll get dirty again as humans but we still make a real and conscious effort to avoid it. Shouldn’t we have the same attitude towards spiritual gluck? I don’t believe “cleanliness is next to Godliness” but maybe if we synchronize the ideas in our heads we’ll end up spending more time thinking about our Godliness (or lack thereof).
There’s not too much else to do in the shower — why not pray for spiritual cleansing? I think I’m going to try to do that from now on.
For those of us that already have a keener sense of their sin and God’s grace, take this post the other way around and hop in the shower a little more often! Your friends and coworkers appreciate it and being clean is at least nice even if it’s not morally required!
This (like so many Dilbert comics) seems far too realistic…
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Actual Events, Geekiness, Somewhat Random on November 9, 2007
Yes, that’s right, this post IS categorized as “Actual Events”. 🙂
Patently pretentious people
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Ranting & Ravings, Somewhat Random on November 6, 2007
Is it just me, or do others notice a lot of people around them who are:
1) Pretentious
2) Obvious about it?
I think everyone’s a bit pretentious (myself included — notice the pedantic use of alliteration and long words in the title –and, oh darn, the use of the word “pedantic” just now). I think that as a Christian, and in particular who experienced a rather long period of life under a pastor who was a big on “mortification” I may be more sensitive to this than others. I was always able to see the dark side of my own actions (for example, “I’m writing this blog post because other people write more interesting things on their blogs and I need to be better than them”). Maybe it’s unhealthy… It’s definitely highly pessimistic. But I can’t help but be somewhat annoyed when people think they’re so clever but they’re not very gracious about admitting their shortcomings. I think I mostly feel that people are “real” when they’re able to say that they may not know what they’re talking about.
So, if anyone ever asks you if your “motives are pure” answer immediately, “No!”. I don’t think this side of the pearly gates we’ll ever have pure motives. I think that friends and relatives admitting faults to each other is amazingly refreshing. And to be clear, this is not the same as inventing trivial, almost good sounding faults. “I’m so sorry to give you such a large and expensive present!”. Honesty, especially when talking about motives makes me feel so much better. “Sorry that I was abrupt with you today” is not nearly as helpful as saying, “I was in a rush and didn’t consider that you had something you needed to tell me.” Or even, “Sorry that I was abrupt but I was angry from before with you and took it out on you.” (By the way, I tend to be abrupt with people when I’m irritated with them and I know that this last statement is one that I should say more often.) There’s something there that isn’t usually mentioned in an apology… It’s a statement that you didn’t do something right but now you’d like to make it right. It’s not passing the buck or making excuses. We always can make excuses (I was in a rush, it was a stressful day, you were hard to deal with, etc.) but the reality is that these simply don’t help the person that we’re supposedly apologizing to. And the point is to help them.
But I’ve wandered a little bit — I was talking about pretentious people. From the Free Dictionary I get the following definition:
Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.
So, my gripe is that everyone, absolutely everyone has tons of problems and should be awfully careful that they don’t act as if they deserve distinction or merit for their actions. And furthermore, that being humble will go a long way to really connecting with people. I was just listening to some lectures by Gordon Clark from a class that he taught. He was asking students in the class if anyone knew what the “Lycopersicon esculentum” was and making it sound like they should. No one knew. But instead of blithely going on and pretending that this was everyday stuff to him, he sort of stumbled over the term himself making it abundantly clear that he had simply written the name down himself and probably wouldn’t remember it tomorrow. I know this is trite example but it was something fresh in my mind. He could have made himself seem incredibly smart but he instead really connected with his students by admitting that he didn’t have this stuff memorized and then went on to make his point.
I was watching (I’ll admit it) a rather horrible show called The Next Great American Band. The idea is that bands get up and perform and are one after the other eliminated until the voters (the watcher’s of the show) have determined the final band that “makes it”. Anyway, the point is that after each band performs the judges make some statements about how they think the performance went and what needs improvement. With one exception, all the bands said things like “That’s just who we are”, “that’s how YOU feel”, “We don’t agree”, etc. It was kind of disgusting. Because they “made it” to the show, they were too proud and self-important to admit fault at all. I thought some of the bands did well, but I was immediately disgusted afterward when they acted so pretentious about their performance. It’s so commonplace now in America to act like this and it’s sort of sickening.
This has been sort of a long post and I don’t know what else to mention. It just bothers me a lot and it seems like people don’t realize how bad they make themselves look. Doing something stupid makes you look bad but not admitting it or making excuses makes you look much worse than just stupid. Being smart makes you look good, but being smart and admitting that you don’t have all the answers make you truly seem wise. And that’s what we should all try to be!
Vertical Farming
Posted by Andrew Flanagan in Actual Events, Somewhat Random on October 5, 2007
Vertical Farming is a neat, futuristic approach to producing food within urban environments. I’m not terrified of running out land and of populations booming too much nor am I running scared of global warming or cooling or whichever it is but I still think that the idea is very neat.
I think it could actually be made a cost saver in large cities. The idea is sort of similar to terracing unusable land to make it usable but instead of making land flat, you stack it. I really do think that the answer to a lot of “society’s woes” is that these things will at some point become cheaper than doing them the “old” way. I just see this one as becoming worthwhile sooner than some of the other wacky ideas. So I guess I view this as more of an investment in new technology than just philanthropy to support these projects.
The reality is that shipping and transportation is becoming more and more difficult and massively increases the price of products. I’ve not seen it mentioned, but why not have the first floor be the “fresh produce” grocery store?