Firefox has a feature in the newer versions which it calls “Live Bookmarks”. Basically it’s just a very simplistic RSS feed reader that creates a folder in your bookmarks area with the current RSS feed items. This is kind nifty… I usually don’t like to have to load up another application to handle RSS feeds and lightweight RSS feed readers like Sage are just a little more complex than I would I like them to be…
But… even better — if you use for managing bookmarks (which I do since it’s fast to save, easy to organize, and available on any Internet connected computer) you can combine both of these features. provides RSS feeds for all of your bookmarks or for specific tags. So, if you have a bunch of links for the tag “work” you can just grab the RSS feed for “work” into a Live Bookmark and voila, you have your bookmarks stored on a centralized (and reliable) computer as well as being easily accessible.
Great stuff…